Featured Photographer – Kaleigh Hicks

Aug 11, 2020

August 11th – 30th



Business Information:


Kaleigh Hicks

Name of business

Hicks Pics Photography

Location of business

South Denver, Colorado







Twitter: @hickspicsphotog

Technical Specs:

Camera used

Canon 6D

Lens choices

Sigma 35mm, Canon 50mm, Canon 24-70mm

Processing Software (just provide the names of the one’s you use)


Do you use any actions?


Do you retouch and if so can you give me a quick rundown on if you use any plugins, etc.?

I do my own retouching but don’t use any plugins as far as I know.




What most people want to know is how you market to your clients. Have you qualified who your is your ideal client?

I usually market to women in their twenties. SO many things are happening those years such as getting married (boudoir), having babies (maternity) and family photos. My ideal client changes between each specialization I offer.

Do you have any inspiring client stories you can share? Also, have you had any issues with clients and how did you resolve them?

I would say the first inspiring client story that comes to mind is when one of my clients had gotten maternity, birth and newborn photos through me had come back for boudoir 3 months after she had her baby. She wasn’t feeling very sexy but she came in and I showed her how unbelievably beautiful she was. To this day (that was 2.5 years ago) she still says those are her favorite photos. 

As far as resolving issues with clients I would just say be very open and upfront about everything. So long as you do that you won’t really have any issues. I’ve never come across any crazy issues (thank goodness, knock on wood)

Do you have a “welcome” product you give the clients?

I don’t offer a welcome product. I hope to in the future. 




How do you sell to your clients? Can you provide info on your sales process and your pricing? Can you provide numbers on what you charge for a session and what products you offer?

Personally I do what’s called IPS. I think it fits much better because you get to know the person and see what really fits their lifestyle. I like to get them on a phone consultation or at least a quick phone call to set up an in person meeting to go over pricing, session types, what I offer, products I offer, etc. I have quite a few options as far as my sessions go but specifically to boudoir you’d be looking at the $500-$3500 range for session fees, products, etc.

What products perform best in your studio?

Albums and heirloom prints

If you have a PDF or a copy to your price list you don’t mind sharing, that would be great.





Best describe your workspace. Do you have a studio or work from home? How large is your space? What are the challenges with it? What works really well for you?

I currently rent studios in Denver as I don’t have my own yet. I edit from home. Challenges are I get distracted easily at home while editing. Challenges with renting a studio is I have to adhere to other people’s schedules then try to see what works with my clients.

Do you have any plans to change and/or grow from your space in the near future.

Yes I have plans to save enough money to buy, lease or build my own studio that would also include a workspace.

Do you keep strict hours of operation with your clients?

Not at the moment but I’m starting to. 

Natural Light, Studio Light, combination of styles? What’s your preference? What are your strengths and weaknesses with lighting, if any?

I prefer natural light. My strengths are I work really well in natural light I know how to angle, adjust settings but my weakness is studio light. I am totally lost when it comes to that. 

Do you have makeup artists you work with in your studio? If so, can you give me a run down of what the rate is you pay them and how you feel about the importance of that relationship. If you don’t use them, is there a reason?

Yes I have a couple that I rotate between. I pay them $100 per client. Simple curls for hair and then makeup application. It is important to value HMUAs because they are trying to make a living too just like you. Value their schedule and their abilities. If you know you have one HMUA who works better with darker/olive/ethnic skin then obviously use her when you have those clients in. If I don’t use a HMUA it’s usually because I don’t like their application abilities or if they have disrespected mine or my clients time. 

Do you play music during sessions, and if so, what are some tracks on your playlist? Do you ask clients what music they like and if they would like certain music during their session?

Yes. I always email each client a questionnaire before their session where they tell me what they listen to and then I make a play list full of their faves and then play that while their session is happening. 




How long have you been in business? What were you doing before you started your photo business?

I’ve been in business for 4 years. But really going after it for about 1 year. I was working an office job. Still have that job right now until I can go full time with photography. 

Did you go to school for photography or are you self taught?

Self taught

Did you always want to be a photographer or was it something that came later in life?

I used to want to be a Police K9 Handler but as I got older I loved photography and what it can do for people. 

What is your biggest struggle in this business?

Believing in myself 

Is there a reason you shoot boudoir and do you shoot any other genre? If you’re exclusive, and/or recently went exclusive can you give the readers some insight into why you did. If you’ve only ever done boudoir, again we’d love to hear why.

I love providing women with luxurious photos to make them feel good about themselves on the outside. I also shoot maternity and families. 

What process did you go through to find your specific style? Where do you draw inspiration from?

I really just used my own preference. I love true to color authentic photos. 




If you knew someone who wanted to be a photographer, and could give them one piece of important advice, what would that be?

Don’t be afraid to ask other photographers for help. Go to meet ups and get out there. 

Have you ever done a boudoir session yourself? Do you think it’s something that is important for boudoir photographers to do?

Yes a couple. I think it is very important to get on the other side of the camera. 

How do you feel about the male / female debate regarding boudoir photographers?

I didn’t really realize there was a debate. As long as a photographer of the opposite sex is up front about their business practices and offer their clients to bring a supportive person I don’t see an issue. 

What do you do to avoid burn-out? Is there ever a time when you just want to throw your camera out the window?

Always make sure to take time for yourself. Don’t feel guilty. There have been a couple times I want to throw my camera out the window but it was more so because I was being overwhelmed with everything going on in my life and not feeling successful. 

What do you love about the business?

I love the freedom money and time wise. I love the memories you help capture for people.

What do you hate about the business?

The struggle no one talks about. Its tough. It’s not easy to run your own business. A lot of people don’t realize the work you have to put in so I would say the struggle sometimes.

Are you a member of any professional photo organizations like PPA, WPPI? What benefit do you feel you get by being a member?

Yes PPA. You get insurance coverage and can opt for more/further coverage and the resources you have access to.

Do you compete and do you have any opinions on it? AIBP runs contests regularly. Do you participate? If not, is there a reason you don’t?

I was trying to a while back but haven’t in a while. I would like to get back into it though.

How long have you been a part of the AIBP family? Tell us a little bit about why you joined and what benefits and/or things you particularly love about the AIBP community?

I believe I have been a member for 1.5 years now. I joined because I wanted a group of people in the boudoir industry to ask questions, learn from and get support from. I love how everyone is on there to help. No nasty criticism, just constructive and professional.



Favorite food?

Mexican food! Really almost anything mexican food.

One guilty pleasure in life?

Underwear shopping

What is your favorite piece of clothing?


What’s one song on your playlist?

What You See Is What You Get Luke Combs

What’s your favorite movie genre? Example?

Country, More Modern : Luke Combs, Brad Paisley, Chris Young, etc

Favorite shoes to wear?


What are you currently reading?

This document… lol. Nothing at the moment.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would that be?

Greece & Germany

If you could go back and do over anything in your life, what would that be?

My wedding

If you could meet and photograph someone famous, who would that be and why?

Chris Young because he is sooooo dang handsome!

What do you struggle with the most in life? (not photo related)

Self Confidence

Are you married, single, have kids, husband/wife? Is life a juggling act for you?

Married to my hubby, no kids yet. Yes life is a juggling act right now.

Who inspires you the most in life? Work?

My mom. After all she has been through in life she is still an unbelievably wonderful, caring woman. I aspire to be as hard working and caring as she is. 

If you could provide one single piece of advice to influence a young person’s direction in life, what would that be?

Don’t be afraid of what others think. Do what makes you truly happy. 

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