Featured Photographer – Angie Anderson

Feb 15, 2020

February 15 – 29



Business Information:


Angie Anderson

Name of business:

Angie Anderson Photography

Location of business:

Calgary, Alberta, Canada







Technical Specs:

Camera used:

Canon 5D Mark III

Lens Choices:

24 – 70mm 2.8

50 mm 1.4

Processing Software:

Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop

Do you use any actions?

Sometimes I use presets.

Kara Marie B & W Presets

Embrace Presets

Do you retouch and if so can you give me a quick rundown on if you use any plugins, etc.?

I do my own retouching in Photoshop.





What most people want to know is how you market to your clients. Have you qualified who is your ideal client?

My ideal clients are between 35 to 50 years old. They are women like myself who feel as though they’ve lost themselves by always putting their family and work above self care. They are going through a period of personal growth and want to discover who they are again.

Do you have any inspiring client stories you’d like to share? Also have you had any issues with clients that you would like to share how you resolved them?

Women are always nervous when they come to a boudoir session. I once had a client show up at my studio having a full on panic attack. I helped her with her suitcase and offered her some water. I reassured her that showing up was all that she needed to do and my makeup artist and I would take care of everything else, including how to pose. I like to chat with my clients during hair and makeup because it is usually my first time meeting them. By then end of her session, she was dancing around my studio.

Do you have a “welcome” product you give the clients and can you share that if you do?






How do you sell to your clients? Can you provide info on your sales process and your pricing? Can you provide numbers on what you charge for a session and what products you offer?

My sessions start at $450 CAD including hair and makeup. My packages range from $200 to $1000 CAD

What products perform best in your studio?

Digital Images, Photo Books & Metal Print Wall Art





Best describe your workspace. Do you have a studio or work from home? How large is your space? What are the challenges with it? What works really well for you?

I have a home studio (I literally move furniture around in my living room to set up a backdrop and studio lights, hair & makeup is at the kitchen table and I also have a bedroom that I use).

The main challenge with a home studio is that I have 2 young children and a husband that have to disappear during a session so I have very limited weekend spaces available.

I also rent Air BnB and hotels, depending on the session.

Do you have any plans to change and/or grow from your space in the near future?


Do you keep strict hours of operation with your clients?

Yes. I have specific days of the week that I offer sessions.

Natural Light, Studio Light, combination of styles? What’s your preference? What are your strengths and weaknesses with lighting, if any?

99% Studio Lighting. I live in Calgary where the winters are long and dark; in December the sun rises at 8:30 and sets at 4:30. I also live in a house where neighbors can peer into the windows so I keep the blinds closed during shoots. I use a simple 1 or 2 light strobe setup.

Do you have makeup artists you work with in your studio? If so, can you give me a run down of what the rate is you pay them and how you feel about the importance of that relationship. If you don’t use them, is there a reason?

It took me a lot of trial and error to find reliable makeup artists- ones that show up on time and ready to start! I have a few that I use and I don’t offer sessions without them. Getting dolled up is part of the experience!

Do you play music during sessions, and if so, what are some tracks on your playlist? Do you ask clients what music they like and if they would like certain music during their session?

I ask clients to bring a playlist that I can play on a Bluetooth speaker. If they don’t have one, I have put together a VERY eclectic boudoir playlist that includes funk, soul, rock, 80’s hits, hip hop, punk, rockabilly, reggae and the blues (in no specific order)





How long have you been in business? What were you doing before you started your photo business?

I was an adventure travel consultant for 14 years before starting my photography business. I had the luxury of travelling the globe, camera in hand at least twice a year to experience the tours that I sold.

I’ve been taking sexy back since 2012! That was my first boudoir session and I was hooked! I also photographed weddings, family portraits and newborns until recently when I decided that I wanted to focus on boudoir.

Did you go to school for photography or are you self taught?

When I was 14 years old, I started playing with my Dad’s SLR film camera. I spent the next 18 years refining my craft and even worked in a photo lab for a few years. In 2006, I spent over $1200 on film and developing photos from trips to Morocco, Thailand & Cambodia. My husband bought me my first digital camera that Christmas because my hobby was costing too much money! Switching to digital and the instant feedback you get (instead of waiting until the film is developed) has helped my photography beyond words! I also polished up my skills when I got my Certificate of Photography from SAIT (the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) in 2009.

Did you always want to be a photographer or was it something that came later in life?

I have always wanted to be a photographer. When I graduated from high school, I looked into a photography program but the cost was beyond my means. I took the scenic route and I have always been the girl behind the lens.

What is your biggest struggle in this business?

My biggest struggle is the actual business side of photography and the marketing! Every year at tax time, I question why I do what I do! I finally sat down and crunched the numbers and adjusted my pricing structure accordingly.

Is there a reason you shoot boudoir and do you shoot any other genre? If you’re exclusive, and/or recently went exclusive can you give the readers some insight into why you did? If you’ve only ever done boudoir, again we’d love to hear why.

I’ve photographed EVERYTHING in the past but I truly belief that boudoir photography is my calling. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the transformation from the time a client walks into my studio and when she leaves with a spring in her step. I want my legacy to be beautiful photographs of women that make them feel empowered and sexy as hell! Right now. Just as they are.

What process did you go through to find your specific style? Where do you draw inspiration from?

I think that my style is constantly evolving. The beauty of photography is that there is always more to learn!

I draw inspiration from Vanity Fair & Vogue magazines, Pinterest, and Instagram.





If you knew someone who wanted to be a photographer, and could give them one piece of important advice, what would that be?

It’s not an easy path. Don’t fall for all of those “it’s okay if you’ve never picked up a camera, here’s how to start a successful photography business” online courses! It takes serious dedication and I still have days, hell weeks, that I want to just throw in the towel.

Have you ever done a boudoir session yourself? Do you think it’s something that is important for boudoir photographers to do?

I did a boudoir session when I turned 30. I’d been putting it off because I wanted to lose 15 pounds; yes, I was “that girl”. My friend was a photographer and she was moving across the country so I booked it before she left. I did it at the time as an anniversary gift for my husband but I think that I look at the photo book more than he does! I think that EVERY woman should experience it at least once! I think that as a photographer it is really valuable to put yourself in the clients seat to see how vulnerable you can feel.

How do you feel about the male / female debate regarding boudoir photographers?

I think that both are great! It gives women the ability to choose who they feel more comfortable with.

What do you do to avoid burn-out? Is there ever a time when you just want to throw your camera out the window?

I am actually just recovering from severe burnout! I felt like all of my blood, sweat and tears were pointless. In 2019 I was published in 3 magazines (including Philosophie) and won several daily choice awards from the AIBP. Yet me phone was not ringing… I literally didn’t pick up my camera for 3 months and started applying for other jobs. Stepping away from my business has made me appreciate it again and has lit a fire under my ass to make it work!

What do you love about the business?

I love the relationships that I build with my clients. I am a boutique boudoir studio and I really value my clients trust in me (with the photography as well as sharing their deepest darkest secrets).

What do you hate about the business?

I hate the stress of slow months. Going from all out crazy busy, working all hours of the day and night to suddenly having nothing on the books for a few weeks is the worst!

Are you a member of any professional photo organizations like PPA, WPPI? What benefit do you feel you get by being a member?


Do you compete and do you have any opinions on it? AIBP runs contests regularly. Do you participate? If not, is there a reason you don’t?

The only photo contests that I enter are AIBP. I’m always blown away when I win an entry. I have to admit, the work amongst our members is stunning and I get intimidated often.

As for my opinions about contests, I think it is one thing to use photos from workshops and shoot outs for your portfolio, but it is another to use those photos as contest entries.

How long have you been a part of the AIBP family? Tell us a little bit about why you joined and what benefits and/or things you particularly love about the AIBP community?

I think it’s been about 2 years since I joined AIBP. I joined to meet like minded photographers and to be part of a community that I can learn from. I think it also gives my business credibility to be part of an association. I love the photo contests, the Mentorship program, and the Facebook group interactions.





Favorite food?

Anything my husband barbeques.

One guilty pleasure in life?

Red Wine!

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

My fave piece of clothing is a merlot colored velvet burn out V-Neck sleeveless shirt.

What’s one song on your playlist?

“Wake Up & Live” by Bob Marley & the Wailers (I have the song title as a banner on my sleeve tattoo).

What’s your favorite movie genre? Example?

I love all kinds of movies. My all time fave is Natural Born Killers.

Favorite shoes to wear?

John Fleuvog

What are you currently reading?

Brutally honest: I don’t read a lot of books. The last book I read was Jeannette Walls: The Glass Castle

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would that be?

I’d love to go on a wildlife safari in Kenya & Tanzania and stay in luxury tented camps.

If you could go back and do over anything in your life, what would that be?

That’s tough. I have made so many mistakes in life! The one thing I would probably change would be that I would have gone to see my estranged Mother on her deathbed. Shit just got real!

If you could meet and photograph someone famous, who would that be and why?

Joan Jett; she was one of the first females to break into the music world and she still rocks!

What do you struggle with the most in life? (not photo related)

I struggle with my own insecurities. I come off as strong and outgoing (which I am) but I am also sensitive and an over-thinker!

Are you married, single, have kids, husband/wife? Is life a juggling act for you?

I have been married for almost 15 years! I have a 9 your old son Lexx, an 11 year old daughter Sheena and a dog. To say that life is a juggling act is an understatement! I always feel like I’m dropping the ball.

Who inspires you the most in life? Work?

In Life: My mother in law is the most amazing, giving, caring person I know.

In Work: Annie Liebovitz (unoriginal, I know but I love everything she does).

If you could provide one single piece of advice to influence a young person’s direction in life, what would that be?

Focus on the people who are worth it!

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