AIBP Weekly Choice Winner 9/3/2021

Sep 8, 2021

We are happy to announce this week’s winner AIBP Weekly Choice Image Competition!

This week, we are excited to have Sarah Witherington judging and reviewing the winning image.

Sarah is the owner and lead photographer of OWN Boudoir studio based in Atlanta, GA. She’s photographed over 1700 women in the last 10 years that her studio has been open and is most inspired by the transformation that clients experience after they see their OWN beauty captured in a photograph.

And the Weekly Choice Winner is…..

Dan Ketcham from D C Ketcham Photography based out of Elyria, Ohio.

What Sarah had to say about the winning image, “There is so much sensuality in this image. You can tell that the photographer and the client really thought about every detail. The head tilted back, the eyes being closed, the slightly parted lips, and the hand at the throat are all little details that pull together to create a very sensual capture.”

1st Runner up this week is Shawn Sawyer of Shawn Sawyer Photography, LLC based out of Virginia Beach, VA.

What Sarah had to say about this image. “I love all of the colors and textures in this image. The warmth of the image is only amplified by the client’s smile and she looks genuinely happy. The photographer did a great job of capturing energy in this shot.”

2nd runner up go to Kendra Jordan of Phoenix Fire Boudoir based out of Welch, OK.

Sarah felt that “This is one of those images where all of the details are conspiring together to create a standalone image. I could see the client wanting to print this image huge for their home. The textures and toning work really well and I love that the client is framed well with the drapery on the bed; drawing the viewer’s eye directly to her.”

Congratulation to the Weekly Choice Winner, D C Ketcham Photography and the 2 runner ups, Shawn Sawyer Photography, LLC & Phoenix Fire Boudoir. We look forward to seeing more amazing work from you and other AIBP Members.

Be sure to check back next week for another installment of Weekly Choice!

Are you interested in learning more about AIBP and how to be eligible to win a Weekly Choice? Visit our AIBP membership page to learn more.

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